Monday, May 31, 2010

The Most Beautiful Thing...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

It was Friday, and we were at the end of a crazy week filled with kitchen duties, hundreds of kids in suits running from building to building to give speeches, and meals packed in coolers. It was a busy week, an exhausting week, but as we were all gathered in the grand ballroom for the awards ceremony we saw just how much we had accomplished. As the names of countless Christian young people were called, and they walked across the stage to receive their medals for competing well in their events, I saw the next generation of my country, ready to rise up and be a voice for godliness and justice in our nation, and in our world. After the last name was called we all sang the words above, a cappella. Over 500 voices praise the God from whom all blessings flowed, thanking Him for an excellent speech and debate tournament. But we praised Him for more than that, we praised Him for this next generation, and we also implored His assistance to be a light for Him in a world of increasing darkness. I can honestly say, it was

The most beautiful thing I have ever heard.

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