I believe in God. His character of perfectly juxtaposed love and justice, wrath and mercy, jealousy and grace never changes. He is the Creator of all things, the Sustainer of all things, and the Redeemer of all things.
I believe in Jesus Christ. He is the perfect Son of God through whom the Father performs His works of creation and redemption. He was conceived in history of the virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is fully God, fully man, not mixed, interchangeable, or diluted. He kept the law presented by God to His creation - a curse to us, for we could never measure up.
He was crucified at the hands of evil men by utter submission to the will of His Father, and after three days in the grave His victorious life emptied the tomb of death. He returned to His Father's side in glory and will return as Supreme King and Righteous Judge.
I believe in the Holy Spirit of God who was poured out on all believers at Pentecost. He is ever present in those who have confessed faith in Christ and acts as Guide, Counselor, Conscience, and Comforter.
I believe that at the point of salvation we are regenerated in spirit, sealed with the Holy Spirit, and made one with Christ Himself. Believers act in His authority and with the power of the Godhead as their source of strength. No human being has means or life to bring themselves to life. In our sin without Christ we are dead corpses.
I believe in the fellowship of Christ's Body on earth, across invisible lines of race and social class, as well as all other lines drawn by sinners in the sand.
I believe in the imminent return of Christ to earth, and the resurrection to perfection and glory of all believers. It is this undying hope that brings joy to all my days.
I believe most of all in grace. Grace from Him which pours through us to all the world.
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