Saturday, August 15, 2009

Blogging Without Legalism

I would ask all of you for your forgiveness for getting really lazy about blogging! I have been busy with my nonprofit and I am sure all that busyness will only escalate when I start school in a week. I am a bit legalistic about blogging thinking I need to have a certain topic and an outline, etc. I want you all to know that I am seriously working on just blogging whatever comes to my mind. Right now as I am listening to music on my laptop the Lord has put it on my heart to share some of my favorite music with you. I recently discovered Shannon Wexelberg, she sings beautifully and her songs are filled with a simple message of hope and love. Here is one of her songs. I hope you enjoy them and please believe me when I say I will try my hardest to post more often. : )

Your Sister In Christ,

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