Okay, maybe hate is a strong word, but I really didn't like it. The object of anticipation had been reached and now there would be nothing so great to look forward to until next Thanksgiving. It was time to pack away our collection of nativity figurines and drag the tree out to the curb to be burned. We had gifts to enjoy, but Christmas has never been about gifts, but about Jesus.
I'm beginning to learn, though, to live in anticipation - not just in December, but all. year. long.
December 26th is only the beginning.
Christ is our hope, and we anticipate the return of the One who is the Beginning and the End.
The Alpha and Omega.
Perhaps nostalgia will be packed away with the ornaments and the candy canes, but don't leave any room in those storage boxes for anticipation. Longing for His return is the motivation that will drive us to fulfill Matthew 24:14.
Longing for His return is part of hastening His return.
I invite you in the coming year to learn with me what it means to live in -
2013: Year of Anticipation
I like the sound of that. Let's anticipate what this year will bring.
Who knows?
Maybe it will bring Him.
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