But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesushave crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.-Galatians 5:22-24
This post marks the last in the series of Real World Survival suggestions. We've discussed fellowship, prayer, quiet time, and several other things. I find this last subject important because it encompasses so many other things. We hear a great deal about modesty in Christian circles today, but most often we are referring to our attire, our outward appearance. I contend that there is an inner modesty far more important than the modesty we often discuss today.
Webster's 1828 Dictionary (my dictionary of choice) defines modesty as: an act or series of acts, consisting in humble, unobtrusive deportment, as opposed to extreme boldness, forwardness, arrogance, presumption, audacity, or impudence. Galatians 5 offers a biblical view of modesty, and explains that unless we are filled with the Holy Spirit, true modesty of heart is not possible. It is not difficult to display outward modesty; to simply make sure our skirts are long enough, our shirts loose enough. But, how many of us constantly display the fruits of the Spirit, the fruits of a modest heart?
I struggle with these fruits on a daily basis, and honestly, mine are more often rotten than edible. Strengthened by His grace, may we begin to grow these fruits to their peak ripeness, and to display modesty of heart on the inside, as well as on the outside. As you venture into the real world in the coming months, or as you continue the trek you have already begun, may the Lord give you strength to follow His lead. If you have found these posts challenging, encouraging, or helpful, please put them into practice as the Lord leads you to. Only He can give you a hunger and thirst for Him. Only He can provide you with the grace to do His will. Only He can help you succeed in The Real World.
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