It just wasn't happening, and I was getting discouraged.
But then I remembered that Scripture isn't static words on a page. It lives and breathes and cuts to bone and marrow. So, I have taken the living words and sought to make them live in me.
Below is the first of 1 John's five chapters, converted into spoken word, poetry of the soul that revives my soul. It is meant to be spoken, out loud. Read it aloud and breathe in life. Installments 2-5 will be coming along shortly.
From John the Apostle
to believers in Jesus Christ:
1-4: From the
beginning I have seen and I have heard, I touched Him and I learned how the
Word of Life was revealed. And so I proclaim this eternal Life to you, to
invite you into fellowship with the true and living God through His Son Jesus
Christ. And all that I say is so that our joy might grow and overflow as we all
come to know Him more.
5-10: God is
He doesn’t have light, and doesn’t just give light or create
light – He is light! In God there is
no night, no none at all! Not one drop of darkness can invade His radiant space.
And if we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in
the dark, then lies have invaded our hearts. But if we walk in the Light, we’re
really walking in Him and we find ourselves right with God through the blood of
His Son.
And if we say that no dark has invaded our hearts, our words
just unlocked the door to the darkness. But if we let our words drop to their
knees and confess with pleas then Light will enter with beams of faithful
righteousness to cleanse and free us.
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