The English word that conjures up a wider range of images than perhaps any other.
What it is it? Why do we desire it? Why do we need it? Where do we get it? How do we show it? How should we show it? What are its effects?
These questions have been running through my mind, heart, and conversations lately. I know the Word of God has the answers, and so I've decided to begin a topical study of love in God's Word during my morning quiet time. As I sit at the feet of the One who is Love I hope to learn more of Him and what it means to love others in Jesus' name, not only in theory, but in practical word and deed. After working my thoughts out in prayer and in my journal (my life's rough draft) I hope to share some of my reflections here as well.
Love. Let's discover Him, and learn to rightly display Him to others.
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