Friday, October 29, 2010

The other day I did a very hard thing. As I was praying before bed one night I asked the Lord to draw me closer to Him, to remove distractions that might be hindering our communion together. As I waited and listened He asked me to remove all unnecessary internet distractions from my life. Twitter, and the roughly dozen blogs I faithfully follow came to mind. "But Lord," I said, "I continually use Twitter for your glory, and the blogs I follow honour you and encourage me." But He had asked me to do something and I must obey. So, I proceeded to deactivate my Twitter account and to un-follow each and every blog. I wish I could say that it was not painful, I wish I could say that I do not miss them, but I cannot. I only know that the peace that flooded my soul after obeying my Lord, and the joy that comes each day through communion with Him is more than worth the loss of these distractions.

Lord, continue to refine our lives. Draw us closer to you as we, in faith, remove the things that stand between us. As we grow in your amazing grace we will eliminate distractions more easily; with less pain and heartache, because we know even better your great worth. Lord, may you be more precious to me than any earthly thing. Amen.

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