Sunday, September 27, 2009

A New Purpose

Wow, it's been a while since I posted. Sorry about missing Quotation Tuesday last week, I was pretty sick and am just beginning to get better. I am so busy! School, youth leadership team, speech and debate, dance, tutoring. The list goes on and on!

When I started this blog back in February I had intended it to be a haven for Christian dancers. I fully realize that it has not exactly filled that purpose. This is mostly my own fault and because of changes taking place in my personal life.

I love to dance! I went to Ballet Mag this summer and had a fantastic time. I grew so much in the Lord, but I also discovered some things about myself. Since reading 'Do Hard Things' in January my focus in life had changed. I was no longer the center of my life, dancing was no longer my main focus. I discovered I had morphed from a vessel filled with myself to an empty vessel willing to be filled with whatever God chose to put in me. He has filled me with a passion to reach the lost, to speak for the silent, and be an impact and inspiration to my generation. At Ballet Mag when I was misplaced into a lower level it didn't bother me. I wanted to be used where I was.

A few weeks ago I started fall dance classes at my old studio. After the thrill of dancing for the Lord at Ballet Mag the worldliness and self-centeredness of my studio has grieved me. I don't find as much pleasure dancing here as I did in Mississippi because I forget to dance for my Savior and begin to dance for the teacher. I have determined to pray on my own before each class and do my best to focus on the Lord while I dance. I want to worship him with my whole heart while I dance because when I do others notice and it please my Lord. I still love to dance and will continue to do it because it is the way I worship, but I have realized that I am filled with something different now. I am filled with Jesus Christ and all the diverse gifts he has given me, dancing is only one of them.

This is no longer a blog about being a Christian dancer. The purpose of this blog is no longer centered around dancing. The purpose of this blog is to glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through all that he has filled us with. He has given us many gifts, many dances to dance. The dance he has given you may actually be dancing, but it can be anything else as well. Writing, speaking, teaching, activism, leading, inspiring. We have all been given different dances and I want this blog to better equip you all to dance your dance. And even though our dances are different our purpose for dancing is the same. In everything the Lord has called us to do may we focus only on him and say confidently with the Apostle Paul; To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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